The Maillog module for OpenMage

Contents (v5.9.0)

  1. Module presentation
    1. Description
    2. Access and configuration
    3. History lifetime
    4. Security
    5. Compatible with OpenFileEditor
    6. Installation and uninstallation
  2. Emails and wysiwyg directives
  3. Emails configuration
  4. Synchronization configuration
  5. Module download

Don't forget that the present documentation is only about the latest version of the module.
Don't forget to read this page entirely.

🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 by Jérôme,
on 01/04/2020
This module isn't premium, isn't ultimate, isn't pro, it doesn't contain a spyware or a nice ad, and it won't increase by 165% your ROI. It's just better than anything else you've seen anywhere else. It's a revolution!

Module presentation


This module allows:

The report is sent by email during the night according to the configuration.
The queue is deactivated when the module is active and every email sent with the class Zend_Mail is "captured" by the module.

Access and configuration

Configuration available in System » Configuration » Tools » Transactional emails and in Customers synchronization.
Available in Tools » Transactional emails and in Customers synchronization.

Configuration also available in System » Configuration » Customers » Newsletter.
Also available in the Transactional emails tab of orders and customers.

History lifetime

The lifetime is easily configurable via a number of days (or months or years).
For each line:




Compatible with OpenFileEditor

When OpenFileEditor browser extension is installed, when a PHP error trace is displayed, file paths can be clicked, to open them in your preferred file editor.

Installation and uninstallation

Nothing simpler with composer (or by decompressing the module archive).
To get the key, don't stop reading :) ...

Then apply: openmage.diff

To allow emojis in subject and content of emails, in the local.xml file, you must use SET NAMES utf8mb4 for initStatements (see OpenMage#430).

Finally, do not forget to configure crontab to run the file every minutes.

crontab* * * * *  www-data  bash /path/to/

For uninstallation, having uninstalled the module, removed the changes in lib/Zend/Mail/Transport/Sendmail.php and lib/Varien/Filter/Template.php, and stop crontab for, all that remains is to erase the configuration and data:

sqlDELETE FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE "maillog%";
DELETE FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE "crontab/jobs/maillog_%";
DELETE FROM core_config_data WHERE path LIKE "newsletter/%/%send";
DELETE FROM core_resource WHERE code = "maillog_setup";
DELETE FROM eav_attribute WHERE attribute_code = "is_bounce";
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS luigifab_maillog;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS luigifab_maillog_sync;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS luigifab_maillog_bounce;

Emails and wysiwyg directives


Emails configuration

Variables list:


Synchronization configuration

Synchronization allow to synchronize customer data from OpenMage to your System.
It is performed every minutes by cron job on the following events (whether from the backend or from the frontend):


Module download

Installation with composer: composer require luigifab/openmage-maillog

Download of the latest version: openmage-maillog-5.9.0.tar.gz
See also: github - composer - geany - phpstorm

Tested with Firefox 36/114, Chrome 32/109, Edge 109, Opera 19/95 on OpenMage 21.3.0 with PHP 7.2 - 8.3 and MariaDB 10.11.

If you like this module, take some of your time to improve the translations.