Apijs 6.9.6 / vanilla-js

Photo slideshow


  1. Presentation
  2. HTML code
  3. Additional information

Edit options

  • apijs.config
  • apijs.config.dialog
  • apijs.config.slideshow


Management of a photo and video slideshow with a keyboard control coverage.
Source code of demo functions (myFuncX) is available in demo.js file.

For the photos and the videos:

For the videos:


It is possible to start the slideshow by using links ids, for example:
- with scroll: this-page.php#slideshow.2.2
- without scroll: this-page.php#slideshow-2-2

HTML code

html<!-- input value = src;srcset|name|date|legend / src|name|date|legend -->
<div class="gallery [hoverload] [icon]" id="slideshow.0">
	<a href=".../image/azerty.jpg" type="image/jpeg" onclick="return false" id="slideshow.0.99999">
		<img src=".../thumb200/azerty.jpg" srcset=".../thumb400/azerty.jpg 2x" width="200" height="150" alt="legend" />
	<a href=".../image/azerty.jpg" type="image/jpeg" onclick="return false" class="current" id="slideshow.0.0">
		<img src=".../prev63/azerty.jpg" srcset=".../prev126/azerty.jpg 2x" width="63" height="47" alt="legend" />
		<input type="hidden" value=".../thumb200/azerty.jpg;.../thumb400/azerty.jpg 2x|name|date|legend" />
	<a href=".../image/qsdfgh.jpg" type="image/jpeg" onclick="return false" id="slideshow.0.1">
		<img src=".../prev63/qsdfgh.jpg" srcset=".../prev126/qsdfgh.jpg 2x" width="63" height="47" alt="legend" />
		<input type="hidden" value=".../thumb200/qsdfgh.jpg;.../thumb400/qsdfgh.jpg 2x|name|date|legend" />
	<a href=".../video/wxcvbn.m3u8" type="video/x-mpegurl" onclick="return false" id="slideshow.0.2">
		<img src=".../prev63/wxcvbn.jpg" srcset=".../prev126/wxcvbn.jpg 2x" width="63" height="47" alt="legend" />
		<input type="hidden" value=".../thumb200/wxcvbn.jpg;.../thumb400/wxcvbn.jpg 2x|name|date|legend" />
<!-- input value = name|date|legend -->
<div class="album [icon]" id="slideshow.0">
	<a href=".../image/azerty.jpg" type="image/jpeg" onclick="return false" id="slideshow.0.0">
		<img src=".../thumb200/azerty.jpg" srcset=".../thumb400/azerty.jpg 2x" width="200" height="150" alt="legend" />
		<input type="hidden" value="name|date|legend" />
	<a href=".../image/qsdfgh.jpg" type="image/jpeg" onclick="return false" id="slideshow.0.1">
		<img src=".../thumb200/qsdfgh.jpg" srcset=".../thumb400/qsdfgh.jpg 2x" width="200" height="150" alt="legend" />
		<input type="hidden" value="name|date|legend" />
	<a href=".../video/wxcvbn.m3u8" type="video/x-mpegurl" onclick="return false" id="slideshow.0.2">
		<img src=".../thumb200/wxcvbn.jpg" srcset=".../thumb400/wxcvbn.jpg 2x" width="200" height="150" alt="legend" />
		<input type="hidden" value="name|date|legend" />

Additional information

The name parameter of the photo and video dialogs can take the following values:
- false to not display the file name,
- auto to display the original file name,
- or every other string to display a personalized file name.

The date parameter of the photo and video dialogs can take the following values:
- false to not display the file date,
- or every other character string to display the file date.

For the icon parameter the following CSS classes:
- can be used: notransition lock
- can not be used: information confirmation options upload progress waiting photo video iframe ajax start ready end reduce mobile tiny fullscreen slideshow loading download print error warning


jsapijs.i18n.translate("word");              // return string
apijs.i18n.translateNode("word");          // return domelement
apijs.i18n.changeLang("fr");               // return boolean

apijs.dialog.dialogInformation(...);       // return boolean
apijs.dialog.dialogConfirmation(...);      // return boolean
apijs.dialog.dialogFormOptions(...);       // return boolean
apijs.dialog.dialogFormUpload(...);        // return boolean
apijs.dialog.dialogProgress(...);          // return boolean
apijs.dialog.dialogWaiting(...);           // return boolean
apijs.dialog.dialogPhoto(...);             // return boolean
apijs.dialog.dialogVideo(...);             // return boolean
apijs.dialog.dialogIframe(...);            // return boolean
apijs.dialog.dialogAjax(...);              // return boolean
apijs.dialog.actionClose();                // return void
apijs.dialog.add("string1", "string2");    // return dialog object
apijs.dialog.remove("string1", "string2"); // return dialog object
apijs.dialog.toggle("string1", "string2"); // return dialog object
apijs.dialog.has("string1", "string2");    // return boolean (true if one found)

apijs.upload.sendFile(...);                // return boolean
apijs.upload.sendFiles(...);               // return boolean

apijs.slideshow.show("slideshow.2.1");     // return boolean
apijs.slideshow.actionFirst();             // return boolean
apijs.slideshow.actionPrev();              // return boolean
apijs.slideshow.actionNext();              // return boolean
apijs.slideshow.actionLast();              // return boolean

// default config //////////////////////////////////////////
apijs.config.lang = "auto";
apijs.config.debug = false;

apijs.config.dialog.closeOnClick = false;
apijs.config.dialog.restrictNavigation = true;
apijs.config.dialog.player = true; // true|false|userFunction(videoTag, url)

apijs.config.slideshow.ids = "slideshow";
apijs.config.slideshow.anchor = true;

apijs.config.upload.tokenName = "X-CSRF-Token";
apijs.config.upload.tokenValue = null;

// events //////////////////////////////////////////////////
self.addEventListener("apijsbeforeload", function () {

	apijs.dialog.htmlContentOrig = apijs.dialog.htmlContent;
	apijs.dialog.htmlContent = function (title, text) {
		this.htmlContentOrig(title, text);

	if (!apijs.i18n.data.hasOwnProperty("xy")) apijs.i18n.data.xy = {};
	apijs.i18n.data.xy["xyz"] = "Test";

	apijs.config.debug = true;

self.addEventListener("apijsload", function () {

self.addEventListener("apijsajaxresponse", function (ev) {